Dr.Wilson Onyeka
(Chairboard Of Trustees)

Nnewi Advancement Charity UK was enunciated by a few Nnewi indigenes resident in UK namely Mr Lotanna Aranotu, Dr Wilson Onyeka, Ms Chy Akamelu-Nsoedo, Dr Emeka Agbasi and Mrs Amaka Ojukwu with the support of late Prince Belonwu Iwuchukwu and Captain Uzo Orizu both of who provided the initial registration application funding. The Charity has the lofty goals of helping the less “well off” people in Nnewi and its environs in the areas of health and education promotion. Nnewi Advancement Charity UK was incorporated in 2002 and formally registered by the Charity Commission of England and Wales in 2003. Subsequently, the founding members recruited more philanthropic volunteers and inaugurated NAC UK with a membership of twenty in the summer of 2003.

We started our mission with visiting and making donations to some public institutions at Nnewi namely:

  • Motherless babies home Nnewi – April 2004
  • Leprosy Colony Amichi – December 2004
  • Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital – September 2005

With a view to maintaining daily local presence and in fulfilment of our major aim and objective, we commissioned a Health and Information Advisory Centre in December 2007 at Nkwo Nnewi in a rented flat adjacent to the Youth League Hall at a considerable expense, funded solely by generous donation of our members and well wishers. The health centre manned by nurses and a part time doctor has remained operational ever since; opening Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 6.00pm to all comers entirely free of charge. The health centre focuses primarily on health promotion and disease prevention as well as managing the “silent killers”, diabetes and high blood pressure. In the 12 years since the opening of our health centre, we are glad that several thousands have been seen and treated by our dedicated staff with the result that several lives have been saved. This outcome is very inspiring and encouraging to us in working hard for the sustainability of this unique project, hence during our 10th anniversary celebration event in January 2018, we asked for a piece of land from Nnewi authorities for a permanent site.


NAC is a registered Charity in the UK that organizes activities to raise funds to support youth, health and education projects for underprivileged community in the UK and Africa.In keeping with our main objective, the Charity established a “Health and Information Advisory Centre” at Nnewi on December 2007, commissioned jointly by Igwe Nnewi and the Commissioner for health Anambra State, Prof Ilika


Health Sector

The preservation and protection of health of the Nnewi community in the UK and Nigeria

Education Sector

To provide education for children of Nnewi community in the UK, during out of school hours and school holidays

Social Welfare

Provision of facilities for recreation for aged members of the Nnewi community in the UK


Founder NACUK

Dr (Sir)Wilson Onyeka


Executive Member

Mr Chadwick Okoye


Executive Member

Rev Canon Tagbo Brown Olisa


Executive Member

Barr(Lady)Rose Onyeka


Executive Member

Mr Charles Ibeto


Executive Member

Mrs Ebele Okoli